If you have never really thought about growing your own fruit and veg, don't have a greenhouse and thought that it would mean hours and hours of digging and raking huge beds which take up your whole garden. But believe it or not you can actually grow some fruit and veg in pots and hanging baskets. So why not a go at growing a few different kinds, these are some of the simplest to grow and with minimum effort.

fruit and vegetables

Salad and herbs

You can buy herbs at most garden centres or even in the supermarket. Plant these in pots outside during spring and summer and most will continue to grow year round if watered regularly. Alternatively plant them in small pots and keep them near the window in your kitchen for fresh herbs year round.
You can sow salad leaves between these herbs outdoors in summer or in an unheated greenhouse or windowsill all year round in pots or trays of moist, multipurpose compost, or even between your bedding plants. Just ensure the soil its moist and they are in sun or semi shade and harvest as required.

fruit and veg

Tomato plants are really quick to grow either from seed or bought as plants and can be grown outside during spring/summer months. Choose a tumbling variety like ‘Cherry Cascade’ that can be planted in hanging baskets. You only need to feed and water them and keeping them off the ground prevents slugs and snails getting to them.

Really easy to grow! Plant potatoes during late February and March in bags or pots only part filled with compost. When the green shoots begin to appear cover them with more compost. Repeat this until the bag is full, and remember to water them. Around 15 weeks later, the foliage will die back. Empty the bag or pot out to collect up your own home grown potatoes.