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Our team have returned from 18 days at the Ideal Home Show 2016, tired after a very busy show but extremely happy to have achieved record sales!

As well as meeting lots of new customers, our team was also very happy to welcome many regular customers back to our stand. Often to tell us how wonderful their purchases look in their gardens, which is obviously great to hear as customer satisfaction is our number one priority! As always the show was buzzing throughout the 2 weeks, with thousands of visitors attending each day.

It was out first big show of the season with our new product range for 2016 and we were really pleased that collection sold very well. If you purchased one of our products at the show we’d love to see it in situé, so if you send us a quick snap to louise@outdoorlivinguk.co.uk we will pick the best one and send you a prize of a fantastic garden spinner!


We’re already getting geared up for the next show at RHS Cardiff; it’s really starting to feel like the season is in full swing!